22 Apr 2016
Professional Learning Opportunity
At Emu Plains PS, we have organised two professional learning opportunities; one for SLSOs and one for teachers. If you are interested in sending any staff to these sessions, please let me know before the end of term. These events are free of charge.
SLSO Training
This will be held on 27/4/16 from 1:55 to 2:55 at Emu Plains PS. It will be run by Hibba Nagrial (DOTS – Diagnostics, Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology). We have two speech therapists coming in to talk to our staff about techniques and strategies that can be used to help children with articulation problems. The therapists have been made aware that our SLSOs are not teachers and do not develop the programs for our students so they would require more ‘hands-on' strategies for these students. I have asked that the focus primarily be on ES1-S1.
Teacher Training
This will be held on 27/4/16 from 3.05 to 4.15 at Emu Plains PS (if you arrive just after the start date that is OK). It will be run by Hibba Nagrial (DOTS – Diagnostics, Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology). We have two speech therapists coming in to talk to our staff about receptive language problems and the link to poor behaviour in students, especially once they are in S2 and S3. They will discuss how visual prompts can help in the classroom with these students.